Get Help

Request Emergency Food

We encourage you to contact one of our partner agencies, listed below in ‘Our Community Partners’, who will be able to help you with the challenges that you are facing at the same time as collecting food parcels from us to give to you.

In certain circumstances we can deliver. If you are not sure who can help in your situation, please contact us and we will be happy to help.

Your food parcel will contain a carefully thought out range of non-perishable food items. In addition, if you live in the Alcombe area, we may be able to offer you a voucher for fresh fruit and vegetables. Please let us know if you have any special diet needs and we will do our best to accommodate them.

Apply for Membership of the Local Pantry

Working in partnership with Fareshare South West, we are able to offer access to low cost fresh, chilled, frozen and non-perishable food that would otherwise be wasted.

The Local Pantry is open every Tuesday afternoon, and membership can last for up to 6 months.

Applications are open to anyone who:

  • Would benefit from low-cost food;
  • Wants to reduce food waste;
  • Can commit to collecting their food every Tuesday afternoon;
  • Can pay £4 per week;
  • Lives within 15 minutes travel time of the Parish Church of St. Michael the Archangel, Alcombe.
The Local Pantry - Minehead Area

Supported By:


Talk to us about Food Support for Partner Agencies and Projects

We are pleased to support a wide range of community projects that relieve food poverty, reduce food waste and support community connection through food.

We also play an active role in the Minehead Area Food Resilience Forum.

If you run a related project and would like to talk about how we could work together and/or find out more about the Forum, please contact us.

Contact Our Community Partners

See who can help and how.

How are your finances?

West Somerset Advice Bureau

Offering free, confidential advice on a range of issues including finance and benefit applications.
Call 0800 802 1808

CAP (Christians Against Poverty)

Offering free, confidential one-to-one support to help you out of debt.
Call 0800 328 0006

PLUSS Positive People

Offering a lifeline to people who are not in work. We help to build confidence, skills and hope for the future.
Call 0800 334 5525

Job Centre

Providing job search help and administering claims for Jobseeker’s Allowance, Incapacity Benefit, Employment and Support Allowance, Income Support.
Call 0800 169 0190


Providing safe and stable accommodation for vulnerable young people and families.
Referral through Somerset West & Taunton Council.
Call 0333 200 1616

How’s Your Family?

Home-Start West Somerset

Offering free support, friendship and practical help to families with at least one child under seven, in the home and in bump/baby/story-start groups.
Call 01643 707304

Minehead Eye

Offering skate park, youth centre, indoor climbing venue, recording studio, café, events, courses, groups and more, with a focus on access for all.
Call 01643 703155

The Hub

Providing indoor soft play, coffee and chat, groups and activities for children, young people and families.
Call 01643 707598

The Parish of Minehead

Providing gentle faith-based family clubs, groups and activities, including Toddler Church and St Andrew’s After School Club.
Call 07984692703

Little Fishes Toddler Group (for 0 – 5s)

Open every Monday during term time. 10am – 11.30am. Minehead Methodist church hall.
Call 07548706922.
Facebook /fishesandseeds

Parent & Family Support Advisors

Supporting school-aged children and their families with everyday challenges so that children are happy to engage with school and can achieve their potential. Ask who your PFSA is at your child’s school.

How Are You Feeling?

The Hope Centre

Providing friendship, advice, food and hope to those experiencing homelessness, addiction or loneliness Monday, Tuesday & Friday between 11am – 2pm.
Call 07949 642774

Minehead Baptist Youth & Community Support

Offering a church-based Youth club as well as mid-week community coffee and chat sessions.
Call 07469 932100

The Friendship Centre

Offering a communal meal and activities, games, quizzes, conversation and company. Fortnightly on Wednesdays in Alcombe.
Call 07594293199.

Mind in Somerset

Offering mental and emotional support to anyone in Somerset through the 24/7 Mindline as well as groups such as the Minehead Art Group and Youth Matters.
Call 01823 276892

Community Mental Health Team

Offering mental health support in the community. Referral through GP.


Providing a listening ear when you need someone to talk to. Whatever you are going through, you won’t be judged or told what to do.
Call 116 123 anytime, any day.

How easily can you find and use the support and services that you need?

Village Agents (CCS)

Offering a range of services including confidential support to help you feel healthy, able to manage your affairs, independent, safe and part of your community.
Call 01823 331222

Are you or is someone you know in fear, vulnerable or at risk?

Social Care

To report a child or an adult at risk.
Call 0300 123 2224

Emergency Services

999 for emergencies
101 for non-emergencies


999 for emergencies
111 for non-emergencies

Further useful contacts


Community-based housing association providing housing services to local people.
Call 0800 358 6025

Somerset Council

Call 0300 123 2224

Kite West Somerset

Kite helps families and young people to make connections and discover the great things that are happening in West Somerset.

West Somerset College

Porlock Community Library

Call 01643 862763
Facebook: Porlock Community Library
Email: [email protected]

Please Remember

  • There is no shame in seeking support
  • There is support available
  • You Matter